🐝Free Utah Bee Removal Swarms Salt Lake City SLC

Bee Swarm Removal Utah Salt Lake Rescue Bees Hive City Beekeeper Ogden Provo Honey

🐝HoneyBee Swarm Removal Bees

Help save the bees by having a licensed professional bee keeper capture,remove, and relocate the honey bees safely.

Swarming is the natural process honey bees do to multiply when their current home becomes over crowded.
Scout bees are sent out from the hive to look for a new home. After they decide where to go,
the queen and 5,000-50,000 bees move to the new location. They might move a few times before they find a
permanent place to nest. They are more likely to swarm before or after a low pressure storm front.🌩️

A honey bees nest will have a yellow or brown wax comb nest.
It is different from Wasps/Hornets/Yellow Jackets which have a Grey Paper Nest

Click Here to Compare Honey Bees Vs Wasps on Google Images

We also can remove non Honey Bees such as Hornets, Wasps, Yellow Jackets,
Carpenter Bees, Ground bees, and Bumble Bees nests for a very reasonable fee.

Bees Swarm Utah Salt Lake City Removal Wasps Honey BeesBees Swarms Utah Salt Lake City Removal Wasps Bees Rescue Beekeeper

YouTube Video of a Utah Bee Swarm in HD


We do not exterminate bees, call us instead of an exterminator.
Please text a picture if possible, I will return your call as soon as I take off my beekeeping suit.

Contact info@solnectarhoney.com